Testimonial 1

I am particularly grateful for the gift of The Acacia Foundation.  It is so difficult for a non-profit of our size to carve out the time and resources needed to build a successful campaign strategy and the infrastructure to execute it.  Yet building this capacity  is essential to our ability to scale our impact…Enter Laura and the Acacia Foundation – at a moment in time when our workforce mission is really resonating with funders – and we have done what we could not imagine.  We are starting a strong Chance to Advance campaign with  Laura’s expertise, time, capacity and quiet, steady council providing immeasurable support to the fundraising team.  Her ongoing presence, ability to keep an eye on the next set of goals, and willingness to be “scrappy” when needed, has been an ongoing bright light in two incredibly challenging unprecedented years.  As we plan for our future in a strategic planning year, knowing that the time-frame of this commitment from the Foundation is aligned with the life of the campaign is another precious gift.

– Jill Rizika, Executive Director – Towards Employment